Package 'amapro'

Title: Thin Wrapper for Mapping Library 'AMap'
Description: Build and control interactive 2D and 3D maps with 'R/Shiny'. Lean set of powerful commands wrapping native calls to 'AMap' <>. Deliver rich mapping functionality with minimal overhead.
Authors: Larry Helgason [aut, cre, cph]
Maintainer: Larry Helgason <[email protected]>
License: Apache License (>= 2)
Version: 0.1.2
Built: 2025-02-03 05:25:13 UTC

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Essential information, tips and tricks


Welcoming JavaScript library AMap into the world of R. AMap is an advanced mapping library made in China and widely used there. It features 2D/3D animation, supports a multitude of layers and markers, data import, flyover playback, etc.
Library amapro let you control AMap from R and Shiny. It uses AMap’s native commands/parameters wrapped in just a few commands.


AMap’s documentation is in Chinese and most links here make reference to it. If you happen not to know Chinese, it is convenient to set your browser to auto-translate. This will help a little or a lot depending on the website/page structure. One can also copy/paste text to Google translate.


Install amapro from Github with remotes::install_github("helgasoft/amapro") CRAN version also available but usually outdated.

Run with the following commands
⁠library(amapro); am.init()⁠
A pop-up dialog will ask for an API key (shows once, will not be repeated).
API key is obtained through registration, expecting you to provide a Chinese phone number for SMS verification.
How to get an API key if you reside out of China?

  • ask a friend from China to help, or hire a local freelancer

  • search the web for a shared key

  • use a temporary Chinese phone number from sites like,, etc. However most are probably blacklisted as the registration page shows them as ‘already registered’.

  • select temporarily the ‘demo’ option, without guarantee to work in the long run

Shiny Demo

Interactive, hands-on showcase of many library features. Activate with the following command:
⁠library(amapro); demo(am.shiny)⁠

API links

amapro is based on version 2.0 of AMap (JSAPI v2.0). “API” auto-translates as “Reference book” in web menus.


The base library with optional plugins. Most important links are


AMap extension with enhanced 3D features. In amapro it is invoked with a parameter - am.init(loca=TRUE, ...). The documentation auto-translates well in the browser.


Controlling map and elements is done by sending AMap commands to them. Commands can be chained with the pipe operator |> or %>% and are executed sequentially in the order received.
Example: am.cmd('setAngle', 'carIcon', -90)
amapro uses native AMap commands and introduces these additional:

  • set - create new element

    • with name: add new global JS object outside the map
      am.cmd('set', 'VectorLayer', name='e$layer1')

    • without name: add new element to map
      am.cmd('set', 'e$marker1', position= c(116.478, 39.998))

  • addTo - append one existing JS object to another by name
    am.cmd('addTo', 'e$layer1', 'e$marker1')

  • var - set a JavaScript variable
    am.cmd('var', 'e$myOpacity', 0.8)

  • code - execute JavaScript code
    am.cmd('code', 'alert("I am JS");')

AMap commands starting with get return data from the map or related objects.
Put the data in a Shiny input variable by setting its name in parameter r.
Example: am.cmd('getCenter', 'map', r='inShiny1')
Above command will update input$inShiny1 with the Lng/Lat coordinates of the map center.


Events could be defined for map and elements. All types of instances use on/off methods to bind and remove events.
Events are set in attribute on(or off) as a list of lists. Each event is a separate list with event name in e, a JS function f and optionally a query q. Example:

am.init(center= c(116.475, 39.997), zoom= 17,
        on= list(list(e= 'complete', 
                      f= "function() {alert('loaded!');}")) )

on/off events without name are ignored, except for the map itself (as above example).
JavaScript function Shiny.setInputValue() can be used to send data back to Shiny.


  • only one map is created by am.init per session. It is a JS global called ‘m$jmap’.

  • AMap command addTo is overwritten by amapro and cannot be used.

  • the supported AMap plugins are: ControlBar, Scale, ToolBar, MoveAnimation, MouseTool, HeatMap, GeoJSON, ElasticMarker.

  • most built-in AMap tile layers (Satellite, Traffic, Roads) are limited to China only. However, with command am.item(‘TileLayer’), one can use any Leaflet provider for worldwide coverage.

  • AMap built-in map layers are GCJ-02 coded and coordinates collected on them will display incorrectly in Leaflet or other WGS-84 based maps, and vice-versa. They need to be converted. Conversion is available through function convertFrom.

  • AMap ecosystem is vast, unsupported features include: ‘BesizerCurve’, ‘MarkerCluster’, ‘HawkEye’, IndoorMap, CustomLayer, ‘GLCustomLayer’, ‘DistrictLayer’, ‘LayerGroup’, all editors like ‘PolygonEditor’,‘Webservice’, ‘Search(AMap.Autocomplete, AMap.PlaceSearch)’, ‘Geocoding(AMap.Geocoder)’, Route planning, other services(weather, districts, etc.), positioning, utilities.

  • most Loca elements are supported, but not all have been tested. Latest AmbientLight, DirectionalLight and PointLight objects are not supported, but parameters ambLight, dirLight and pointLight accomplish the same. Loca events are not supported yet.

  • loca.js file has several versions, the latest (bigger) one does not work well with the current amap.js


  • all named objects created in JS are global variables ( Good practice is to use a name prefix (m$) to avoid overwriting accidentally external variables.

  • API attributes could be set to a JS function instead of a value. Function is defined as a string starting with word “function”.

  • usually WMS/WMTS tiles come from external servers and may present a CORS problem - browser refusal to load. One can install a small extension in Chrome or Firefox to fix this problem manually inside the browser.

  • AMap has several predefined Map styles. Could be set in map options with mapStyle.

  • amapro silent errors are collected in the browser Console. Press key F12 to open the dev.environment, then open tab “Console” to view them.

  • Chrome/Firefox extensions may interfere with map presentation (like ‘uBlock’)

Run a command


Execute a command on a target element


am.cmd(id, cmd = NULL, trgt = NULL, ...)



A map widget from am.init or a proxy from am.proxy


A command name string, like 'setFitView'


A target's name string, or 'map' for the map itself.


command attributes


am.cmd provides interaction with the map.
Commands are sent to the map itself, or to objects inside or outside it.
AMap built-in objects have predefined set of commands listed in the API. Commands can modify an object (setZoom), but also get data from it (getCenter).
amapro introduces its own commands like set, addTo or code, described in the Introduction.


A map or a map proxy

See Also

am.init code example and Introduction


if (interactive()) {
  am.init() |> 
  am.cmd('set', 'InfoWindow', position=c(116.6, 40), content='Beijing')

Add Control


Add a Control to a map.


am.control(id, ctype = NULL, ...)



amapro id or widget from am.init


A string for name of control, like 'Scale','ControlBar','ToolBar'.


A named list of parameters for the chosen control


controls are ControlBar, ToolBar and Scale.
Parameters could be position or offset.


A map widget to plot, or to save and expand with more features.

See Also

am.init code example


if (interactive()) {
  am.init() |> am.control("Scale")

Map Initialization


First command to build a map


am.init(..., width = NULL, height = NULL)



attributes of map, see here.
Additional attribute loca(boolean) is to add a Loca.Container to the map.

width, height

A valid CSS unit (like '100%')


Command am.init creates a widget with createWidget, then adds features to it.
On first use, am.init prompts for AMap API key. There is a temporary demo mode when key is unavailable.


A widget to plot, or to store and expand with more features


if (interactive()) {
  ctr <- c(22.430151, 37.073011)
  tu <- paste0('',
  am.init( center= ctr, zoom= 10, pitch= 60, viewMode= '3D') |>
  am.control(ctype= 'ControlBar', position= 'RT') |>
  am.item('TileLayer', tileUrl= tu) |>
  am.item('Marker', position= ctr,
      icon= ''
  ) |>
  am.cmd('set', 'InfoWindow', name='iwin', content='This is Sparta') |>
  am.cmd('open', 'iwin', 'm$jmap', ctr)   # m$jmap is the map name in JavaScript

Map to JSON


Convert map elements to JSON string


am.inspect(wt, json = TRUE, ...)



An amapro widget as returned by am.init


Boolean whether to return a JSON, or a list, default TRUE


Additional arguments to pass to toJSON


Must be invoked or chained as last command.


A JSON string if json is TRUE and a list otherwise.


if (interactive()) {
  am.init(viewMode= '3D', zoom= 10, pitch= 60) |>
    am.control(ctype= 'ControlBar', position= 'RT') |>

Add Item


Add an item to a map


am.item(id, itype, ...)



A valid widget from am.init


A string for item type name, like 'Marker'


attributes of item


To add an item like Marker, Text or Polyline to the map


A map widget to plot, or to save and expand with more features

See Also

am.init code example


if (interactive()) {
  am.init() |> am.item('Marker', position=c(116.6, 40))

Shiny: map UI


Placeholder for a map in Shiny UI


am.output(outputId, width = "100%", height = "400px")



Name of output UI element.

width, height

Must be a valid CSS unit (like '100%', '400px', 'auto') or a number, which will be coerced to a string and have 'px' appended.


An output or render function that enables the use of the widget within Shiny applications. See shinyWidgetOutput.

See Also

Shiny demo in demo(am.shiny)

Shiny: create a map proxy


Create a proxy for an existing map in Shiny. It allows to add, merge, delete elements to a map without reloading it.





Map id from the Shiny UI


A proxy object to update the map


if (interactive()) {

Shiny: render a map


This is the initial rendering of a map in the UI.


am.render(wt, env = parent.frame())



An amapro widget to generate the chart.


The environment in which to evaluate expr.


An output or render function that enables the use of the widget within Shiny applications.

See Also

am.proxy for example, shinyRenderWidget for return value.